
This is where all things subterranean can be found, including caves, quarries, urban sub-structure and subterranean transport passages.

GES010 Clapham North Deep Level Shelter - A first foray into underground exploring, and party venue

GES011 Embankment GLC Service Tunnels - Exploring more of Bazelgette's amazing project and statement

GES014 Farringdon GLC Service Tunnels - A small glimpse into the infrastructure that keeps London going.

GES050 Westwood Quarry - Former shadow factory and where it's rumoured the crown jewels were stored in WW2

GES062 Sands Quarry - One of the many quarries that litter this area of Wiltshire, but leads to something far better...

GES065 Paris Steam Tunnel & Sewer - Exploring non-metro related tunnels under Paris with a Cave Clanner!

GES066 Paris Catacombs - Famous quarry tunnels under Paris, with rooms full of oddities and bones. Lots of bones!

GES077 Lodge Rd Tunnels & Wellington Hospital Basement - Various tunnels and entrance to a hospital under London

GES086 Kingsway Tram Tunnels - Remnants of an underground Tram station and tunnels in Holborn, London

GES110 Post Office Railway, London - Eastern Section - The start of a long night exploring the Mail Rail

GES110 Post Office Railway, London - Western Section - The concluding section of one awesome explore

GES129 Barbican tunnels - The myriad of tunnels under the Barbican Centre in London, dust mask essential

GES135 Battersea Steam Tunnels - Tunnels to carry steam from the old Battersea Power Station to an estate

GES151 Clapham South Deep Level Shelter - Another of London's handful of Deep Level Shelters from WW2

GES158 London Bridge caverns (Shunt) - Various subterranean rooms under London Bridge Station.

GES194 National Grid Tunnels, London - Deep, Long and Straight tunnels for power under London, and bikes!

GES195 Thames Subway, London - One of the oldest tunnels in London, under the Thames. 

GES203 Brussel crossrail project/Schuman station - Building a new station under Brussels

GES215 Cambridge Circus Utility Tunnels, London - Rumoured to be where the song 'Wires' by Athlete was written

GES231 Unfinished Command Bunker, Kiev - An explore with Laurel & Hardy attempts to get into a cool bunker

GES241 Pipe tunnels & Bunker car parks, Oslo - Lots of different places chiseled out of rock under Oslo, Norway

GES249 Thames Ditton Gas Pipe Tunnel - One of the many tunnels under the Thames, next to Henry VIII's home


GES227 Kingsway Exchange, London - A former Top Secret underground base, the stuff of 007

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