GE066 or The Pipe Ninja (yeah, sorry about that) was a random code applied to a person based in the UK who explored with various other explorers from 2007 to 2022. 15 years of seeing Cities from multiple different angles, below, above and inside. Exploring requires a fair amount of dedication, and especially, time. Time to research, time to reccie (to check a place out before exploring), travel time to and from a place, time waiting (when a place you want to access is busy or has active security), as well as time actually exploring.
Why did I stop? Time. When you meet the right woman (in my case), settle down and have children, your time is sucked up by them. No parent doing their best wants to miss a minute of their child growing up, nor spend time apart from their partner. Also, when you've done pretty much everything there is to do, things start to get boring and repetitive. A final reason is that due to various so-called explorers raising the profile of exploring through the Press and Youtube, building firms, contracters, security and property owners are much more aware of us. Technology developments now make places much tougher to get into. While this can be fun to try to breach the security (see French Embassy blog), it usually requires lots of time and planning. Again, time! Another factor is that companies have sought injunctions now to protect properties, and some fame hungry explorers have found themselves banned from the centres of towns and all sorts.
In a nutshell, Guerrilla Exploring is using whatever method (within reason), you need to explore a place/building/site/drain etc. Guerrilla Exploring can involve grey areas of the law, but deliberate breaking and entering is always avoided, as is theft of items found in places.
Guerrilla Exploring is along the lines of Urban Exploring, but incorporates the rural opportunities as well. Many asylums exist in rural locations, along with old military establishments, quarries, old manors, castles etc etc.
Guerrilla Exploring involves being exposed to many dangers, and is approached at the individuals own risk. Explorers talk to each other and there are several forums where ideas and thoughts are exchanged. Common risks included derelict buildings, where unsafe floors, ceilings, wiring and infrastructure can cause serious harm or death. High buildings and scaffold can lead to serious injury or death. Drains and sewers can contain build ups of noxious gasses or CO2 as well as sudden increases in water flow. If in doubt, don't risk it.
You should always explore with another person, and let others know where you're going and when you'll be back. Always take a fully charged mobile phone. Although saying that, I generally enjoy the thrill of exploring alone, with just my wits and senses for company.
With regards to the law, trespass is a civil offence, and as long as you leave when asked to, don't attempt to intimidate or threaten a landowner, and are not carrying any tools or graffiti equipment, there's nothing the police can do. I always use stealth and cunning to avoid being detected on private property, and so far have only been caught twice. Both times I was escorted off the premises. The catchphrase 'take only photos, leave only footprints' is a good one.
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