GES239 Turnham Green Church
Churches provide a unique opportunity to see your local area from up high. Thankfully most of the buildings are pretty old, and thus require extensive maintenance from time to time. This usually involves scaffold to the top of the spire. I guess only the religious among those reading this can decide whether it's god allowing his buildings to be damaged in order for them to be scaffolded up for explorers. Rumour has it the cloud floating chap works in mysterious ways, so who knows!
I ride past Turnham Green most days, and had always noted the fact the church spire dominates the area. Quietly I hoped one day it might be accessible. As Autumn came round I saw some scaffold appearing around the church. Might heart tripped a few extra beats, but was thwarted as after a week of activity, it looked like they would only be attending to the lower roof. It was another few weeks before they got around to erecting scaffold around the spire. Yes! I wandered down to the green at lunch and surveyed their handiwork. I identified a number of weak spots in the churches security armour. The best of all was they had put a wooden covering at the entrance, and I could quickly sort the alarms from there.
Other things got in the way, and I finally forced myself up at silly o'clock. The night buses don't go through the cut in front of the bus, so it was just a case of waiting for a drunk to wander off around the corner. I hopped onto the entrance cover, and sorted my way past the alarms, always a tense moment. I then had numerous levels of scaffold ladders to climb to the top. I would normally be rather wobbly at the top, but I've been getting used to heights more and more of late. As such I didn't feel much fear. I whipped out my tripod and camera and started firing off some long exposures. This one is looking West, the lit up low lying area with white lights and cranes at the back is Chiswick Business Park, the taller lit up buildings is the West Quarter development in Brentford.

Looking East into the centre of London.

I hear of people who go to church to get their hands on cock, but this isn't a catholic church.

The sky started to lighten, and the city emerged up in front of me from the dark gloom. This is always a magical time for me, sadly I couldn't see much of a nice red sunrise.
In the centre of this picture with the red square tower, is a catholic church. The large grey lump on the right in the background is Earls Court centre. Most of the other buildings are in Hammersmith.

The last of the office blocks to be built at Chiswick Park covered in cranes. Next to it is Acton Depot, and the District and Hammersmith Line coming from Acton.

The local Chiswick Sainsburys in the foreground, with early morning tube trains running behind. Beyond is North London, Acton and so on.

Looking down Sutton Court Road and South London, the bright light hampered trying to get a long exposure with some light trails.

Not something I realised until I started climbing around christian places of worship, but most are built in the layout of a cross.

I descended further down the church, keen to leave before any workers or religious types showed up. Flying vermin had rendered one of the vents useless, and probably stank something dreadful inside when the wind picked up.

I dropped down onto the wooden canopy, and slid off a scaff pole to the pavement. I didn't really care if I was spotted, and I was indeed seen by what looked like a parishioner of the church. She look at me bewildered as I headed off.
The scaffed up church, taken on a lunch break when the sun was actually out.

Without scaffold, it looks like this:

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