GES020 - Eagle Tower, Old St

After you've climbed some of the tallest buildings in Europe, anything less is never going to increase the excitement levels hugely. When you know how to get into, climb and avoid detection on a building site, these things don't carry much risk and thus an adrenalin fix. The E House is around 80m high, depending on where you read your facts. It was a very straightforward climb, hampered by a bitch of a door that needed bypassing. I wasn't so bad on the ascent, but tried some weird move to get past it on the descent, and genuinely thought I was going to break my back!
This is an computerised view of the building when finished, taken from Skyscraper news.

No messing about, and it was straight to the top, with Mr. Gringz leading the way out, although he didn't stick around for the full exposure!

The other end of the building had a sort of Roman feel to it, with topped off columns and an reclining levels area within the circle. One could imagine a stage at the front and people cheering and being offered Larks' tongues, Otters' noses and Ocelot spleens.

Looking over the edge of the City and Farringdon

The City of London in the centre, Old St roundabout below and the Barbican towers on the right hand side.

Lever St heads to the top left of the photo, and City Road the right hand split of the two illuminated roads below.

Climbing onto the top of the lift shaft structure, a view out across the city, with Canary Wharf on the far left, and the City from the centre to the right.

A zoom shot of Soho and the London Eye

The nearest I felt comfortable getting close to the edge, Old St roundabout and the City in the background. GES041 The Heron Tower London can be seen just to the left of centre next to the Gherkin.

A floor plan of the building.

A final shot with the building's top crane and the lift shaft structure marking the highest point of the building.

Cheers to Gringz for the company.

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