GES271 - Crossrail, Woolwich
I hadn't seen Adders for a while, and it was good to meet up again. Known on the seen as one of the nicest chaps and easy to get along with. We'd never really explored together as a twosome, always with a bunch of others. Unfortunately the bunch of others couldn't make it, as the more the merrier is often the case.
We met near a Sports & Social Club, which had it's grounds border the planned crossrail path. Hopping a fence, and we were in. Simple stuff is always the best. We walked up to a square box that acted as the portal into the network that would stretch all the way down to Paddington.

Walking along all seemed quiet, so we pressed on. This was looking back out to the portal.

There were exits here, and the tunnel became the more traditional round tunnel that gives this network it's nickname, The Tube. I asked Adders if he'd mind awfully posing for a photo, and he was kind enough to oblige. Lovely chap!

We started walking up the tunnel. The track bed had been filled in, but no tracks laid yet. My first thoughts were 'this would be awesome to cycle down!' Instead I stood for a pose shot, and asked the delightful Mr. Adders if he would take the photo. And he obliged, lovely chap that he is.

A passage between the tracks, the lovely Mr. Adders refused to press the shutter on my camera, what an evil cnut!* So I had to run like a proper ninny to get to the top of the ladder in 10seconds. Sadly, as you can see, I failed. Whoever said Adders was nice?!

We pushed on in an awkward silence, and finally came to the Woolwich Station. Or what there was of it. It had obviously not been finished, or was going to have some fancy glass and steel structure built on top of it.

I dropped back down below, to where you can see a green crane on the lower floor above. The start of the tunnel to the portal can be seen on the right.

Looking along the track bed beside the platform at Woolwich Station. At this point Adders produced one of those huge Toberlone bars. I LOVE Toberlone, but would he give me a piece, hell no. Such an unpleasant character that Mr. Adders. Tight too! We walked on, Adders lower face smeared with succulent chocolate.

Up on the Platforms. It was here that Adders really shocked me. From somewhere he'd managed to pull out a dining table, white linen cloth replete with creases in the right places. And then proceeded to layout a silver cutlery set, plates and cloche. Lord knows how, but he reached into his bag and produced a demi bottle of Champagne! I was stood with transfixed eyes of utter bewilderment. If I thought that was surprising, he lifted the lid of the cloche to a plate of finest lobster thermidor, steam rising from it. He proceeded to feast away on the platform. I walked up to ask if he might share some, but through a chocolate smeared and lobster filled mouth, he said some really quite nasty words to me. I walked away utterly dejected and I could feel a tear building in one of my eyes. How had I thought that Adders was nice, how?!

Adders finally finished, and letting out a burp so loud my coat flew off and it lobster stenched burp echoed all the way to Paddington. We pushed on up the tunnel beyond Woolwich.

A pit in the track bed. Below a water pipe for what might be a diverted stream or underground water source.

We heard noises in the distance here, so decided to turn back. At this point Adders produced a kilo of the finest Colombian marching powder, personally selected by El Chapo himself and sent to the UK on his most trusted mule, Pedro. He began to construct the longest line of charlie I'd ever seen. I erm, asked if there was any spare, but through red engorged eyes and a chocolate and lobster juice snarl so vicious it would scare Nancy Spungeon, he said 'Nah.' I couldn't wait to get out and walked off in a proper huff. The walls of the tunnel reverberating with sniffing.

I made it back it to the station portal and the green crane seen earlier. From behind I heard Adders chattering about how awesome he was and how he'd explored the Russian White House, twice. And that he had posed nude on top of the MI6 building in Vauxhall after using rope ascenders placed on the cctv cameras.

Lots of cranes and fork lifts at the far end of Woolwich platforms. Sadly no keys.

While telling me about how he was going to explore the Pentagon and have a Hollywood movie made about his awesome life and supermodel wife. I 'accidentally' turned around and knocked Adders into this bottomless pit. His last words, if anyone cares were 'Nooooooooooooo.'

And with that I wandered out to the tunnel portal and into the fresh air. Conscience clear!
*Some of the descriptions in this write up may not be true, and in fact, Mr. Adders 'is' genuinely one of the nicest explorers on the scene.
"Can you put that crossbow away now man, you are proper psych..." - 'Thud.'
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