GES090 Kings Cross Tube Station (abandoned section)

This is a picture sent in by a reader, thanks Mr A J! This is looking towards the new King's Cross. The far tracks and platform became the Thameslink Platforms, and a wall divided it from the London Underground station. Now the Thameslink Platforms are abandoned as well.

Gringz and I teamed up for this one. Along with Kev we'd tried to find an elusive way into this ghost station via the Lighthouse building, but to no avail (read here). So we set about using a slightly less discreet way in.
Gringz seems to have a secret part of his cranial memory system, that doesn't mention what he knows until the last minute when it becomes necessary. His past is mysterious, but involves plenty of tube related action. And so we found ourselves checking cctv angles and looking out for potential pedestrians or worse who could cause us problems. All seemed clear so we dropped down, and then very precariously dropped down further, and we were on the tracks. It was then a quick jog to the platforms for some cover and to see where we were and what obstacles might await us. A few minutes of listening and looking about in the shadows, and we felt we were fine to start exploring. A trip onto the tracks as they head West to Kings Cross.

Looking out to the South East along the remaining long platform for the Met Line. The high wall just outside the tunnel entrance (just left of the centre of the photo) splits the Thameslink main line tracks, from the underground tracks.

Looking across the platforms from the left side.

Left side stairs up to the remnants of the station and surface access.

Through the door at the top of the leftside stairs above, was the option to go right and across the tracks to the rightside, forward and up a ladder to the surface (once upon a time) or left and up a passageway.

The rusty ceiling along the passageway. This runs under the pavement beside the Lighthouse building. Although there was no way into the actual building.

And there was no way into Kings Cross either, as the passageway came to an abrupt end with bricks and timber.

Back at the area at the top of the leftside steps. The door with 17 on leads down to the leftside platforms. The stairs lead across the tracks.

On the rightside platforms, and looking out to the South East down the tracks. I have to admit Gringz holds copyright for this shot!

Looking across to the leftside platforms and the tunnel heading to Kings Cross station.

Gringz at the bottom of the steps on the rightside platforms. Mr. Tox ever present.

Both platforms looking SE.

There seems to be a big deal by LU to make those alighting here either as workers or as panicky customers fleeing lord knows what, about the number of steps to the surface. One wonders what the other option might be to not going up the stairs. Obviously one assumes it's just courtesy, but it seems a little over efficacious.

Debating with Gringz as to whether to exit via the way we got in, or to use a much easier but riskier method of exfiltration on the rightside stairs.

The exposed platforms heading off to the South East. The metal wall on the left divides the tracks from the old Thameslink station tracks. The darker section is the back of the passenger waiting area.

Popping up for a quick look, this is the roof on top of the old Thameslink passenger waiting area.

You can see signs for the Thameslink station still in place under the far platform roof. As we don't take tools with us, we had no way of geting down to the tracks to have a look, also the random thunder of a main line train chugging through was another reason to leave it alone. 

And with that it was up into the still used bit of the station. We know this as on a previous visit we'd seen a chap go in and later out of it. It was somewhat curious when we looked in the bit of the former station at street level, because it had a tiny hallway and a room stripped room with a chair and copy of a tabloid newspaper next to it. There seemed no other real purpose to going into this building. We breathed deeply and said a little prayer to the exploring God, and we were out of there. Heads bowed as we sought to avoid the myriad of street cameras only too keen to catch our exit.


Another trip saw access to the old ticket hall possible. One can see the hall's glass roof here by the deliciously pink arrow.

This is the ticket hall from the back. The Fire Exit door just visible behind the pillar leads to the bridge between the two platforms. To the right are the toilets and an unknown room.

What's left of the toilets, some original tiles still visible.

While taking some shots of the former station, a train randomly came through, requiring me to dive into some disgusting dust and grime covered sacks.

Luckily I got a picture, and and wanted one more before I left sharpish.

Thanks to Gringz and Kev

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