GES061 Lords Station
Quite possibly one of the easiest ghost stations to access on the network, as it sits literally 10m under the beginning of a cut and cover tunnel. The only dodgy bit is getting up to the track level, or down to the tracks depending on ones method. Gringz was with me for this one. Kev had already done it. In fact he'd done what is often dubbed in explorer circles as the 'Lords Run.' The 3 ghost Met line stations in a row, Lords, Marlborough Road and Swiss Cottage. A few brave souls have done them all in one go. We favoured just doing the first one!
Having got onto the wide area of tracks, it was a case of hopping across them all and legging it up the platform which starts at the beginning of the cut and cover section. Checking for workers and such like, it was a case of just walking about the station. As I said at the top of this write up, it really is very easy.
These are the surface doors for those with permission to be here to enter. The surface station building has long gone.

The bottom of the steps above as they lead onto the platforms. A somewhat obvious sign reminds people what the long silver things are in front of them are for. Just in case visitors thought they were at an urban art gallery show or something.

Looking down the platforms deeper into the cut and cover tunnel up to Marlborough Rd ghost station.

Looking across the tracks to the other Southbound side of the station and the tracks. There were no rooms or old staircases on the other side, unlike some of the other ghost stations.

Looking North into the cut and cover tunnel.

Looking South and past the red light is the open area outside the tunnels as the tracks head down to Marylebone. Gringz on the right, next to one of the few obstacles, a swing gate down the tracks. I did say this was the easier of the stations!

Fisheye (like duh!) of the main remnant of the station. Gringz demonstrating some interesting balancing skills.

Some ladders descended from the surface for no particular reason, so ever the explorer, I climbed up for a looksie. I found this weird metal box with rods stick up. I couldn't for the life of me comprehend what it was for.

Self explanatory, and the name of the station, just in case you hadn't worked it out!

Notices at the top of the stairs for those officially visiting the station. These are on the stairs on photo at the top of the page.

A map of the complex route out of the station in an emergency. Even for those evacuating or working here entry and exit isn't difficult. An easy station as I keep saying.

And with that we sat and talked for 10 nanoseconds about how on earth we were going to exfiltrate the station. Then we remembered how easy it was, and pretty much walked out.
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