GES269 - Young's Brewery House, London
Lying in the middle of the Wandsworth gyratory, is the Ram Brewery. The owners desire to leave the site after 340 years of brewing here, likely driven by the unstoppable rise in property values in London. Apartments and shops are to be built on the site. By the time I got to the site, the warehouse buildings has been demolished. All that was left was the ringed purple area. Most of which is rumoured to be kept as a museum of some kind.

Sometimes a photo can tell a story better than my words...

A fellow explorer had been kind enough to leave a fire door open when he visited the site. After walking through the door, one ended up in this workshop area.

Up some stairs and a larger room, bathed in autumnal light.

Next door was another storage area.

With little further progress in the above areas, I returned to near where I started, and found 'the box shop.' In the basement of the Brewery, and described as the 'Dungeon' on the door.

I get the impression that not many women worked in this area, nor were the men particularly PC. It was like a throwback to the 70s and 80s, with topless picture calendars on every wall. The picture below only shows 3.

An old pub sign, for the pub attached to the brewery. Now also closed. Also sheeting for forming tin cans for the beer.

In amongst the bric-a-brac laying about, some handy letters!

Rumours are that a museum will be built from the remains of the brewery, however the brewery already had a visitors centre as this poster shows.

From the basement areas, it was then on to bits of the actual brewery. Malt stored in hoppers, where it's crushed prior to being added to water.

A handy staircase in the corner led to the top of the Hoppers

A ladder outside the door of the above room led up to the roof, and a view of the destruction of the warehouse area.

Something big went in here. This is where the coppers were likely put, barley and hops would have been boiled up.

The Fermentation Vessel room

From the so called 'Crow's Nest' in the Fermentation Vessel in the Mash Tun Room.

The warm afternoon sun lit up the mash tuns

Inside a Fermentation Vessel

Fermentation tanks, where Yeast is skimmed off after fermenting.

The brewery had a museum in it, featuring these old pumps. Rumour has it the museum will be kept in the future development.

On the ground floor lurked these huge boilers for all the hot water needed in the brewery process.

Towering over the brewery site is the huge chimney, this is the base of it.

To the side of the brewing area, is the Administration area and offices. An ornate staircase climbed up to a locked door.

Rooting around in the first room I came too, I found various Young's products lying about.

I was almost done, when I heard voices nearby. They weren't being quiet, so i guessed they were workers. However the conversation appeared explorer related, so I shouted 'What are you doing here?' from behind a wall. I jumped into the room expecting them to be bricking it, only to find they weren't phased at all. Very disappointing. It turned out I'd spoken to one of them before online, and we chatted for a bit before I left. More explorers turned up later on, and were caught drinking on the roof. D'oh!
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