GES025 - Rosenheim Train Shed, Germany

I was in Germany for a Stag Do for my friend Scott, and as one of the activities organised, we went to do some Paintball. After a couple of hours and a few painful bruises, it was off to a bar. However, on the way into Rosenheim, I had spotted with my exploring eye, a disused looking building not far from the train station. So while the others went off to have a liquid lunch, I took my trusty Canon A640 point and shoot off to the train tracks.

After a bit of exploring the previous night, I was aware that security is pretty much non-existent in Germany, and this was no different. No security guys wandering around in hi-vis jackets, no cctv, no alarms. I went for the energy centre to the side of the main building first.

A straight forward entry down some steps, across a puddle and I was in the basement. Dark and dirty, it had what looked like the bottom of some sort of containment vessels.

Up the steps and the rest of the containment vessels came into view, along with pipes and other energy creating type stuff. Can you tell I know what I'm talking about?!

Some of sort of hatch and peely paint.

Up a few steps...and I quite liked the chains going through the floor grill.

A shot looking down, and time to leave for the main building.

A quick reccie of the main building, and no obvious way in appeared. I had a spotted an iron ladder going up to the roof earlier, so went back to check that out. Helpfully they'd removed the first 2.5m's of the ladder. I looked around and found a long piece of wood, I leant it at an angle and then climbed it and lept for the ladder, grabbing it with one then both hands. I pulled myself up to the next rung, and managed to get enough leverage to put my feet on the wall and climb up into the ladder. Not concerned about the trip down later on, I got onto the roof. I could be seen by a second hand car dealer walking around his lot, so I kept low. On the roof was quite a sizeable lake, so I had to crawl around the edge of the building to find a point where I could walk across the roof.
Taggers had been here, and left their odious marks. An area of the roof and a bit of glass missing, and a chair conveniently beneath, so it seemed rude not to enter the building. The building consists of two train repair areas, with sunken pits to get under the trains. The larger area had 5 lanes for repairs, on one side was the exterior wall near the energy centre, then on the other a thin section of office and crew areas. On the other side of that was the smaller 2 lane repair area, with another section of office and crew areas to finish off the building.
From the top floor of the middle office/crew area, I could look down on only the smaller of the repair areas. Someone had strewn A4 papers everywhere.

On the way down I passed this communal toilet area.

At the bottom I looked at the largest train repair area first.

And then across to the very similar smaller 2 lane repair area.

And a look down into one of the pits.

A quick wander around the far crew/office area, where most of the rooms were empty and looked like this. Most had curtains with rather hideous patterns, this was the easiest on the eye.

On the ground floor again, I was looking for an easier way out, and looked at the windows. I then found one that opened opposite the 2nd hand car dealership. I waited until I could see no one about, and popped out. Closing the window behind me. I took a shot of this side of the building, but please don't look too hard at the first floor windows, those curtains really are an eyesore.

I headed back to the train station, aware i'd missed the train the others were going to catch. However as I got on, I noticed further up the platform a familiar face in a yellow Bruno lederhosen outfit. It was Scott, and the rest of the stag brigade, and we headed back to Munich for erm, more drinking!

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