GES161 - London Bridge
Some other explorers had put up pics of a large concrete room, and raved about it as a new find. Personally, I wasn't that impressed. Over the years I'd seen quite a few similar rooms, and after the thrill of getting access, they're very dull. What wasn't explained at the time, was that they provided access to the internal structure of the bridge. It was possible to walk from one side to the other side of the river, inside the bridge. How cool is that!? Well, I certainly thought it was cool.
I didn't actually realise the connection between the dull concrete room and the bridge until I went along to an explorer party held in the room for some friends birthdays. Not that one needs an excuse to par-tay! I only had a point and shoot with me, so didn't get any interesting pictures. And to be honest, I was more interested in catching up with fellow explorers I hadn't seen in a while. I had turned up too late for the main pic, which shows the difference people can make to a place. (Photo used with permission from A while later we had another party here, for the launch of a friends short film.

The inside of the bridge consisted of 4 tunnels with about 10 compartments, separated by a central open section in the middle of the bridge. This was one of the longer compartments.

I waited for Kev to finish off securing the access from some drunks attempting to get in, in another compartment. If you look carefully through the hole to the next compartment, you can see further holes getting lower as the bridge dips down.

This was a compartment in the middle of the bridge, as you can see it's larger in height than the other sections.

A clearer shot of the numerous holes between compartments. This is listed as number '6', and if memory serves, it goes up to 10.

Towards the end of the bridge on one side, was a small metal bridge that went between sections. At the party I'd sat talking to LeMarc and a lady friend here. Now I had it to myself. I was a little nervy, as it gives the impression of being in a concrete pit with a long drop to the water below. When a boat went through shortly after I climbed out, it put the height into perspective. I filmed it going through, but sadly it was too dark.

This is the large concrete room mentioned above. The square holes up on the right lead to the sections and compartments. Over the rail in the gap is the Thames. However, although tidal, it's mostly silt.

Silty bottoms, as the low tide exposes the river bed. The bricked storage areas are just that. The far one leads into the area seen in the next pic down with steps at the rear.

One of two identical rooms that are the last two explorable places at this end of the bridge. The other room was used for the party and lacks the cables in the roof and container cage.

The low tide exposed below. A door opens straight onto this drop, so one has to be careful!

It was also possible to get out onto the bridge via an exit for a safety cage, to allow workers to go across and change light bulbs (one can see the rails either side of the strip lights).

A final look down the Thames, and I climbed back inside.

Memories of a good party a week previously, and an interesting and mostly, a different explore. Learning more about how the city works and it's make-up is one of the driving forces to tear apart the urban infrastructure. Usual thanks to Kev for company.
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