GES206 - Pathe Palace Theatre, Brussels
I very much like architecture, particularly the Art Nouveau and Art Deco style that followed. So when I saw pictures of the foyer in this place floating about, I was very much drawn in, like a darts player to large glass mugs of ale. The one small problem was, that explorers on the continent tend to be very sensible, and not label places under their real names. As such, you had to know someone who's been there, or well connected. I tried a few people, but everyone was tight lipped, so I set off to find it myself with a few searches on the internet, going on the clues a few people had put up about the place. It has served as a theatre and as a cinema in it's life, celebrating it's centenary this year (2013).
We turned up and set about getting in, which took awhile, mainly because we had to wait for a quiet moment, it being daylight and all. Once OllieGT had been helped inside, he was able to brush himself down and let Residues and myself in the easy way.

This is the main entrance, all beautifully kept and elegantly designed.

Through the ground floor glass doors in the pic above, was this bar area. It's possible it could be original, but the ventilation duct implies it might not be.

Walking through the building, I found a couple of small cinema screens sat in the darkness. As I reached the back of the building, I found some stairs that went up. They eventually popped out in a large backstage area that went up to the building's roof. This is where the backdrops would have been kept when it was a theatre. The new breeze blocks on the right wall show it's conversion to a cinema. The other side having a cinema screen.

I found a 1st floor map of the place in the largest cinema screen room, marked here as Salle 1. The Foyer on the top right has the main entrance onto the street at it's top end. The other screens are on the ground floor.

On the first floor landing, more of the gorgeous interior design. The white booth in the centre of the picture below, originally sold tickets. I'd imagine the steps used to be carpeted as well.

The main screening room or Salle 1.

Looking up to the first floor foyer, the glass doors on the ground floor lead onto the main street entrance.

A shot of the foyer area in all it's glory. The seats were very dusty, and anything that touched it got caked in a fine white dust. I found this out as i sat down to try to take in the beauty of the place, only to stand up and see an imprint of my bum (bottom right in the pic below).

A final shot with the main street behind me. The colours of the wall didn't really jump out, but they didn't really need too. The place acts as one in it's majestic ambience. One wonders what it would look like when filled with punters in the second decade of the last century.

The building is supposedly going to be renovated and re-opened as an art-house cinema. I hope this happens soon, and the place doesn't fall into disrepair.
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