GES190 - Titanic Drain and Trunk Sewer, Rochester, NY
While browsing around photos from the area, I had come across a drain known as 'Titantic', it looked so different to anything I'd seen in the UK, I was really keen to see it. Shane McWillie proved himself a proper trooper, and offered to show me around. We met up after he'd finished work, with two ladyfriends in tow. It's rare enough to find one female that is interested in draining, let alone two. One of them was Shane’s partner, and going by his photos, lighting assistant.
We wandered along an open drain, and came to gated culvert. Another heavily gated drain appears to be on the left, but not in use. Shane didn't have any info on it either.

Once inside the culvert, the short tunnel emerges on the right. On the left behind the metal wall, is a storm relief diversion.

On the other side of the metal wall above, using a bit of magic and climbing skills to make a mountaineer feel jealous. The first thing we came to was this cage that acts a diversion for water coming down the drain on the right of the picture. Inside the grill, one can just make out a slippery, cornering path down into the depths of the earth. I was strongly advised not to attempt to investigate it, due to something called 'death.' NY'ers are such wimps!

We were then confronted with a row of square holes to climb through into the 'Titanic' cavity.

And then we were presented with an odd room/inspection chamber. One can clearly see why it was called Titanic, although I don't see DiCarpio or Winslett appearing by the rail any time soon. I would love to see it in full flow from the inspection balcony.

A shot from the front of the cavity.

The tunnel leading into the chamber and behind the camera in the shot above.

It was then back the way we came, and out into the open culvert. Relatively short, but sweet.

Shane was happy to show me a glimpse of the ring main storm relief, that runs under the city. We didn't have much time, so luckily it wasn't far away. It being daylight, it wasn't a good idea to descend a ladder from a popular park. Instead we went up a crawler tunnel. However seeing the ring main even as a glimpse was worth it. This is looking across a shaft into the ring main, the croucher tunnel I was in to take the photo, continues on the other side. The yellow ladder leads into the park above.

The croucher drain, as one can see daylight at the outfall, it shows it wasn't that long of a crouch.

Looking down into the storm drain, the ring main comes out on the right, and continues beneath the camera position and on behind the camera.

Unfortunately there wasn't time to get down and have a look, but big thanks to Shane and his lady for chauffeuring me about and showing me the local highlights.
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