GES187 - Scajaquada Culvert & Storm Relief, NY USA
Rainy days aren't the best days for draining, however Fishbrain and I had time to kill, and set about finding a local culvert and storm drain network we'd been told about in Buffalo. We were still on a massive high after exploring a nearby HEP outfall tunnel, and had downed a hearty breakfast in the centre of Buffalo. With free wifi, we scoped out directions, and headed off. Location didn't take too long, after studying the huge cemeteries maps.</t for draining, however we had time to kill, and set about finding a local culvert and storm drain network we'd been told about in Buffalo. We were still on a massive high after exploring a nearby HEP outfall tunnel, and had downed a hearty breakfast in the centre of Buffalo. With free wifi, we scoped out directions, and headed off. Location didn't take too long, after studying the huge cemeteries maps.
The rain was light, so we figured we'd see how it goes. The brook didn't look like it could handle a massive raging surge, so any rises would be gradual. We got down to the portal, and changed into our waders. Fishbrain modelling the latest wader essentials below.

As we embarked on sloshing our way up the tunnel, the air became colder and had a dampness to it. We walked somewhere in the region of half a mile up the culvert, but it was getting a bit samey. No real variation. So we turned back to explore a side shoot we'd seen

Samey as it was, it was still possible to get some nice exposures. This used the natural light from the entrance.

We got back to the tributary at the side, 50m inside the culvert. And headed off up the much narrower passage. The culvert is in the background here. The rungs lead up to a heavy round lid.

We went around 500m or so up the drain, but it was again, rather samey. I struggle to get enthused by concrete drain tunnels. Fishbrain was of similar mindset. So we headed back. The below pic was taken at the furthest point we reached.

An interesting development along the way was this weir into what one assumes to be an interceptor. Crossing it was a tricky task, but one we both completed. I've never come across an interceptor weir in the middle of the passage before. Normally they sit on the side, with a weir wall in the passage, to send the water to one side.

With time running out, as Fishbrain had to get his plane. We headed off to the local airport.
Thanks to McWillie for information on this one.
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