GES209 Chateau Amon Re
After a day and night of exploring, I drove the chaps off to a town North of Brussel, where I had a location for an abandoned manor house. We pulled up in a suburb of the town, in an area of large homes in the late hours of the night. There was an eery stillness in the air, and not a sound could be heard. We creeped along to the property with just our sleeping gear, and moved a loose piece of heras aside to squeeze in. 'Keep Out' signs ignored, standard practice. We scoped the place out, and found a room at the top of the property that was perfect. We laid out our gear and went to sleep. As can be seen below, blue seems to be the colour of choice for explorers sleeping arrangements. GE079 on the left goes for the full luxury comfort approach, while GE063 is all about pure minimalism. Meanwhile on the right, I go for the kitchen sink et al approach.
Rested and sleepily raring to go, we had a quick wander of the house before leaving. Some odd Egyptian paintings on the walls. The previous owner was an Egyptologist? Mummy's in the basement.
A change of empire in the next room, as a Greek or Roman influenced fireplace sat in an otherwise stripped room.
Nearly always the main feature inside a property, the staircase here didn't disappoint.
We sleepily exited the house, and got ourselves together. GE063 & GE079 have a cheeky morning fag before setting off.
We then headed off to our first destination of the day. Having a large number of properties to stay gratis, certainly helps bring down the costs associated with travelling these days.
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