GE035 - Savoy Hotel, London
OK, I admit it, I like the thought I can get somewhere that Downfallen did. And this was one I had liked from the start. The fisheye from the roof was just awesome. I specifically bought an 8mm Samyang for the job.
I'd been talking to Rookinella (Rooks) a few times on the 28DL forum, and we agreed to do this, Smithfield Fish Market and the Heron Tower over a Friday night & Saturday night.
As far as I was aware, Downfallen was the only person to have done the Savoy. He made out that it was very tough with the infa red cctv and alarms. And this was the case. However having reccied it a few weeks previous, I felt my route up was good. I'm guessing DF may have used the same route.
Creeping through the small park that sits between the Savoy Hotel and the Emabankment, we got close to the access point. A final shove from Rooks to get on with it, and we were off. I guess I was a huge fan of the monkey frame in playgrounds as a kid, and it never left me. As I do love clambouring around scaffolding. We got to the first floor, and moved on up the side. At this juncture we got into the building, which was quietly nerve racking. We crept up the stairs to the top, listening for footsteps and watching for alarmage and cctvs. There were none. Finally we reached the roof.

I got to the edge, and absorbed the view of the Thames. It was just great. As a Londoner that loves London, I was in heaven. The South Bank in front of me, the Thames, awesome. I then whacked on the fisheye, and...

Not as good as DFs, but i was happy. I then decided it being really cold, to do a nude shot, what the hell.

The Samyang came in handy again for the main hotel

And just time for another pose on the spot DF had done his. Unlike Rooks, I didn't fancy standing up due to the drop on the other side. So this was just as good in my book!

I then found a bored Rooks down below, her camera wasn't working. So she sat texting and reading. We then moved off to explore the hotel, looking in the odd room that wasn't locked.

Moving along the corridors

I was quietly amazed we managed to get as far into the hotel as we did, and each room brought greater reward

We came to the room featuring the impressive dome that sits at the heart of the hotel

In the front of the hotel in the foyer, the lovely friezes surrounded the room

And at the back of the hotel, a way down to the river

It was down some steps around the corner that we almost came upon the lower hall, but as Rooks quickly and quietly said "security!" I noticed the door I was about to open had a sleepy looking chap in hi-vis jacket sat at one of the many tables. I quickly turned and we legged it out of the building, onto the scaffold and into the night. It had been awesome.

Thanks to Rooks for a fun explore and lots of chats
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